Lab instruments: Summary slide coming soon
• Battery fabrication and assembly line
• Glovebox
• Battery test channels
• Biologic potentiostats
• Ball mill
• Box furnaces, tube furnaces, vacuum ovens
Shared facilities at Clemson:
Advanced Materials Innovation Complex (AMIC)
AMIC is a proposed new building that establishes Clemson University as a serious R-1 institution in support of the Clemson Elevate strategic plan. It will be the University’s most technologically advanced facility. Our lab will begin to move to AMIC at the end of 2025.
Advanced Materials Research Laboratory (AMRL)
AMRL is an innovative campus and technology park located in Anderson, South Carolina. It is a state-of-the-art facility that houses internationally recognized research programs in optoelectronics, chemistry, and materials science. It houses the nation’s most outstanding Electron Microscopy Facilities (EMF) and the Center for Optical Materials Science and Engineering Technologies (COMSET), offering professional services to private industry and academic clients. Ready access to transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectroscopy, and many others.
MSE Characterization and Processing Center
Our department provides analytical and physical testing, manufacturing, fiber extrusion, and processing support and services. Ready access to Panalytical Aeris XRD,
JEOL NeoScope SEM, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analysis, and many others.
Palmetto High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster
Palmetto Cluster infrastructure integrates world-class provisions in high-performance computing, high-performance networks, data visualization, storage architectures, and middleware. All Clemson researchers can use and receive training on the Palmetto Cluster for free. It is comprised of 1786 compute nodes, totaling 34916 CPU cores. The second iteration, Palmetto 2, has 50 H100 GPUs for AI/ML capabilities.
Chemistry Instrumentation Facility
The Department of Chemistry hosts a shared instrumentation facility available to the faculty for research and teaching. Ready access to Rigaku/Bruker XRD diffractometers, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and many others.
Facilities at DOE National Labs:
• Advanced Photon Source, ANL
• National Synchrotron Light Source II, BNL
• Spallation Neutron Source, ORNL
• Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, SLAC
• Savannah River National Laboratory
Academia Collection
• ACS Author University
• How to Peer Review
• How to Publish Your Research
• Awesome Tips from Dr. Jia-Bin Huang, on research, writing, career, etc.
• My Extra Repository, send me an access request
Batteries and Electrochemistry
• Battery University
• How a Lithium Ion Battery Works, video by Limiting Factor
• Eletrochemistry Knowledge, by ECS
• Energy Switch, by PBS
• This Week In Batteries (TWIB)
• EChem Channel, videos for tutorials and fundamentals
• Pine Research, webinars and how-to videos
Advanced Characterization
• National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering, Workshop Application
• Joint CFN and NSLS-II Synchrotron Lecture Series
• Fundamentals at SSRL and LCLS, videos
• XAS Education Materials, by Dr. Bruce Ravel
• Spectroscopy
• Imaging and tomography
• Diffraction and scattering
Material Science
• The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry, online course by Dr. Frank Hoffmann
Data Science
• Introduction to Neural Networks
• Making Scientific Figures, videos by Dr. Christopher Gutierrez
• Greek Alphabet, Math/Science Version, Greek Version
• Our codes on specialized research topics
We have made several resources freely available on our website(s). Please feel free to make use of these materials. However, please retain the original attributions, especially when images are re-used. Also, if you use the contents of this website in any significant way for teaching or mentoring, do drop me a note. Please see: Fair use